Valuing Commerce (L1)
Commerce is Important:
The situation is extremely simple:
► Prosperity depends on commerce, and
► Commerce depends on enterprise, and
► Enterprise depends on individuals who are
.Economic activity and wealth-creation is amazing. ►
All the government can do is appreciate and respect personal enterprise and encourage self-reliance through work.
But this is not a trivial demand. More ►

Government has a duty to unambiguously affirm the importance of commerce and of entrepreneurial endeavours.This includes affirming like ►
Prosperity flows from willing producers, consumers, buyers and sellers, who freely interact and exchange goods and services for money via markets. These markets are a common good emerging spontaneously in any society.

Markets depend on individual self-interest via enterprise, employment and prudent management of resources and finances. These activities reveal inequality amongst people and generate more inequality in earnings and assets.
Factors affecting wealth creation and earning include: ●inborn talent, ●familial support, ●cultural attitudes, ●available opportunities, & ●what the society primarily values.
As this inherent inequality gets translated into material inequality, it becomes visible to all. Even if society as a whole becomes better off over time, growing blatant wealth differentials lead to counter reactions. Feelings of envy and entitlement breed discontent and weaken social bonds. Unless something is done, civil turmoil and even violence are distinct possibilities.
These social tensions at the foundation are handled by the next three Levels in the framework.
Bringing Social Tensions under Control
Because an economy depends on markets, property rights, the law of contracts and so on, governments have an unarguable duty to prevent fraud, distortion or unfair manipulation by powerful interests. This entails wielding social power, being coercive and actively enforcing society's laws and regulations.
This power-centred viewpoint is distinctive and sits at the next Level ( ) to prevent abuse of weaker individuals in society.
Brute legal force cannot deal with all social tensions, and needs to be complemented by inputs from yet higher Levels (progressively more effective ways to manage social tensions that can interfere with the economic activity of individuals.
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Continue to reducing social tensions.
Originally posted: Q3-2009